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Local Funding Measures

Facilities Needs Advisory Committee Facilities Improvements Recommendations

On Jan. 24, 2024, the Facilities Needs Advisory Committee (FNAC) presented its final facilities recommendations to the Board of Directors. The FNAC—composed of a diverse group of dedicated parents, caregivers, employees, and community leaders—began meeting in October to assess and address the growing needs of the district’s facilities. These recommendations are pivotal for the Board and district leaders as they plan future bonds to accommodate the district’s growth and the aging of its facilities. In a parallel effort, technical experts continue to explore potential funding sources and solutions, and estimating the scope of work required to meet these needs.

FNAC Recommendations (PDF)

Facts about Local Funding Measures

Bonds and levies must be approved by voters in our community. For a bond to pass, we need 60% approval. For a levy to pass, we need 50% +1 approval.

  • Bonds and levies are the only taxes that stay in our community to support our students.
  • Levy funding helps bridge the gap for basic education funding: staff, academic programs, technology and student supports.
The difference between levies and bonds

Levies fund staff, programs and student learning. They require 50%+1 approval to pass. Bonds fund construction, maintenance and updates. They require 60% approval to pass.

Facts about Levies

Educational Programs & Operations Levy (EP&O)
The EP&O levy accounts for 11.4 percent of our total budget. Our community approved a four-year EP&O levy in 2022. It continues funding for:

  • Award-winning extracurricular activities such as drama, athletics, robotics and clubs.
  • CTE programs that serve seventh- through 12th-graders in five program areas.
  • Staff! Our nurses, student mental health support specialists, librarians, paraeducators, additional teachers and other essential staff.
  • Summer programs for students and the LSSD Pool.

Technology Levy

  • Maintains a 1:1 Chromebook Program throughout our district.
  • Funds the technology infrastructure for modern classroom learning, providing students with skills for their future.

Facts about Bonds

School construction bonds represent the primary funding source for significant school building maintenance and construction projects.

  • Bonds provide a one-time, upfront investment for the district, allowing us to complete bigger construction projects.
  • Bond projects are identified with the help of our Facilities Needs Advisory Committee.
  • The state does not provide funding for the maintenance and/or rebuilding of our schools.

What's the Difference Between a Levy and a Bond?