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2016 Bond Projects

We are committed to providing safe and modern learning spaces for every student. In 2016, our community continued its investment in this important work by approving a school construction bond that allowed us to:

  • Modernize and expand Lake Stevens High School;
  • Build Stevens Creek Elementary School and the Early Learning Center; and
  • Provide updates to safety, security, health and infrastructure systems at all schools.

Building Futures: Celebrating successes from the 2016 school construction bond

Lake Stevens School District is committed to providing safe and modern and effective learning spaces for every student.
In 2016, our community approved a school construction bond. Funding from the bond allowed us to build a new elementary school and early learning center, modernize and expand Lake Stevens High School, and provide updates to safety and security and infrastructure systems at all schools.
Your support has made a difference for our students, and we are delivering on our promises.

Together, we're shaping a bright future for Lake Stevens. Thank you!



LSHS as it appears in 2024

Lake Stevens High School was modernized and expanded.

The LSHS Learning Commons

The LSHS Learning Commons features a library and educational support and meeting spaces.

LSHS gym exterior

The high school gym was completely rebuilt.

LSHS gym interior

You can feel the Viking Pride in the new gymnasium.

The Performing Arts Center

The Performing Arts Center, gym and pool are connected in the Southeast Hall.

LSHS pool exterior

Our pool is a school and community asset for lessons, exercise, and lots of fun!

LSHS Pool interior

The LSSD Pool was refurbished and modernized for school, athletic and community use.

Exterior of Stevens Creek Elementary

Stevens Creek Elementary School was built, and opened in 2018.

Students gardening at Stevens Creek

Stevens Creek makes connections to nature, and students have the opportunity to tend to a school garden.

A parent and several children at the ELC

The Early Learning Center was made possible by the 2016 school construction bond.

Front of the ELC with students, parents

Students arriving at the Early Learning Center.

Students and teachers on the ELC playground

ELC students enjoying the playground.