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Inclement Weather

Is school a go? How will I know?

When winter weather hits, our top priority is the safety of students and staff. Our district’s geography is taken into account when the decision is made. One part of our area may be clear while other areas are struggling with snow or ice. 

1. How the decision to close schools is made
To help make the best possible decision, weather forecasts are monitored throughout the process. District staff members drive the roads beginning at 3 a.m. checking schools and routes that are frequently impacted and report road conditions to the superintendent by 5 a.m. A decision and announcement is made as quickly as possible. This process sometimes changes based on weather conditions.

2. Information is shared using these communication channels:

  • FlashAlert, Local TV, radio and newspapers pull information from FlashAlert. You can subscribe to receive text and email alerts from FlashAlert.
  • Social media
  • Text message
  • District mobile app
  • Email to families
  • District website

We do not use our automated calling system for school delays and closures due to weather. If no messages are posted, schools are open and operating on normal schedules.

3. Delay and closure options

  • Schools start on time (no message will be shared).
  • Schools start on time with limited bus service or buses on snow routes. Afternoon bus service will also be on snow routes. (See district website for snow routes).
  • Schools start two hours late (no a.m. preschool, no out-of-district transportation, no morning Sno-Isle bus).
  • Schools are closed (no after school activities, athletics or facility use).
  • Options are subject to change depending on weather conditions.