Special Services
Special Education Records Request
For Special Education records requests, please email: spedrecords@lkstevens.wednet.edu.
Phone: (425) 335-1500
Fax: (425) 335-1549
Address: 12309 22nd St. NE Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Special Education Services
Child Find
The Lake Stevens School District is focused on meeting the needs of all students. Toward this end, the district is committed to locating, evaluating and identifying students from birth to age 21 who are suspected of having a disability for the purpose of determining whether they are in need of special education and related services. This extends to students residing in the district, whether or not they are enrolled in the public school system. This also includes highly mobile children (such as migrant or homeless students) who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education, even though they are advancing from grade to grade.
A student eligible for special education means a student who has been evaluated and determined to need special education because of having a disability in one of the eligibility categories, and who, because of the disability and adverse educational impact, has unique needs that cannot be addressed exclusively through education in general education classes with or without individual accommodations, and needs specially designed instruction. The eligibility categories are hearing, vision, speech, language, orthopedic or health impairment, intellectual disability, an emotional behavioral disability, autism, traumatic brain injury, deaf-blindness, multiple disabilities, a specific learning disability or for students, ages three through nine, a developmental delay.
For more information, call 425-335-1660.
Birth to Five
The district provides Special Education preschool services to children who have a disability and who are 0 to five-years-old. Parents of children who are younger than three-years-old, please contact Snohomish County Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program at 425-388-7402.
Children three-to-five years old may be served in a classroom program or as a walk-in for speech, physical or occupational therapy services only. Children from income eligible families who are three or four by Aug. 31 may be able to attend preschool classes in the Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP).
If you suspect your child has a disability or if you have questions about the specialized preschools, you should contact the Early Learning Center at 425-335-1643 or the Special Services Department at the Educational Service Center at 425-335-1660.
School Aged Children and Youth (Ages 5-21)
Every child, five to 21-years-old, who has been identified as a student with a disability that is significantly impacting his or her education, has the opportunity to participate in a continuum of services. Depending on need, a child may be provided services in a special class, pulled out from the regular class for specific instruction, or may remain in the regular classroom with support. Students with a disability who have reached 16-years-old are provided activities designed to ensure a successful post-secondary transition.
Additional services such as speech therapy and physical or occupational therapy are available for those students who qualify. Questions concerning school-age special education services should be directed to the building principal, school psychologist or Special Services Department at 425-335-1660.