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Teaching & Learning

The Teaching and Learning (T&L) Department is committed to developing the best instructional programs possible for each and every child in the Lake Stevens School District. We are composed of four departments:

  • Secondary Teaching and Learning
  • Elementary Teaching and Learning
  • Special Services
  • Assessment and Student Learning

T&L provides support and direction related to curriculum, instruction, assessments, special programs and services, and learning for both students and staff. 

Our work is guided by the Lake Stevens School District’s Foundation for Excellence, particularly the goal area of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, and the T&L department’s Three Guiding Initiatives. Our Three Guiding Initiatives answer the following questions:

  • What does excellent instruction look like?
  • What do we want students to know and be able to do?
  • And, How do we know our students are learning?

Lake Stevens has adopted the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching to define excellent instruction. The Common Core State Standards as well as Washington State Learning Standards and Next Generation Science Standards answer the question of what our students should know and be able to do upon graduation from high school. Finally, we will know our students are learning and growing by our ongoing and embedded use of data and assessments. As a district we have embraced an inquiry cycle approach to problem solving as defined by the Data Wise process.

Believing that instruction is the most important factor in student learning, we strive to create professional learning experiences for our teachers and administrators that are embedded in their work, ongoing, and collaborative that will facilitate their growth and development as professionals. Improved instruction will lead to improved student learning.

Contact Info

Gina Anderson

Gina Anderson

Chief Academic Officer
Dr. John Balmer

Dr. John Balmer

Assistant Superintendent of Human Resource Services
Steve Burleigh

Steve Burleigh

Exec. Director of Elementary Teaching & Learning
Dr. Mike Snow

Dr. Mike Snow

Exec. Director of Secondary Teaching & Learning
Mike Weatherbie

Mike Weatherbie

Exec. Director of Educational Technology & State Assessment
Sarah Danielson

Sarah Danielson

Exec. Director of Student Interventions, Title I, Title II, LAP, ELL
Dr. Monica Meadows

Dr. Monica Meadows

Director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
Christie Jones

Christie Jones

Office Professional
Lyndzie Connolly

Lyndzie Connolly

Office Professional, Teaching & Learning, Special Services
Kristine (Kristi) Vincent

Kristine (Kristi) Vincent

Teaching & Learning Office Professional (OP)

Special Services

Miriam Tencate

Miriam Tencate

Exec. Director of Special Services
Keri Joseph

Keri Joseph

Director of Special Services
Debbie Eichner-Hatch

Debbie Eichner-Hatch

Compliance Office Professional
Mei Lamb

Mei Lamb

Office Professional (OP)