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Fall 2024

Safety. Growth. Preparing all students for their futures.

Map of LSSD with pindrops for our schools

What’s on the Nov. 5 ballot for Lake Stevens School District? To plan for the future of our schools, we are running a school construction bond to expand and modernize our aging schools and making safety and security upgrades throughout the district.

This work is a continuation of our long-range facilities plan. It builds on the work completed through past bonds, including the 2005 bond, which will be paid off in 2025. The Nov. 5 bond is designed to address growing enrollment and replace aging buildings with schools built to today’s safety and learning standards.

Why a bond?

  • Growing community: Over the last 10 years, enrollment has increased by 20.8 percent—causing overcrowding and a reliance on temporary classrooms at the elementary and middle school levels. Currently, 800 elementary students and 360 middle school students are learning in portables.

  • Aging buildings: Glenwood and Skyline Elementary Schools are 32 years old, and Lake Stevens Middle School is 63 years old. Outdated HVAC systems and aging infrastructure require ongoing costly repairs.

What will the bond fund?

  • Safety and security updates, including perimeter fencing and locking gates, secure entries and reception areas, and portable security improvements at nine schools;
  • Expansion and modernization of Glenwood and Skyline Elementary Schools and Lake Stevens Middle School to address overcrowding;
  • A new elementary school;
  • New Secondary Innovative Learning Center to provide students with non-traditional learning opportunities;
  • Additional classroom spaces to support specialized learning;
  • New gymnasiums and improved athletic fields at five schools; and
  • New central kitchen for broader meal access in our growing schools.

Washington state does not provide funding for school construction projects, which is why districts like ours rely on bonds. A bond requires 60 percent approval from our community to pass.

Want to learn more?

Learn more about the bond and review our FAQs or call us at 425-335-1500.